
What is coworking?

Great question for those who are still unsure. Let's go through some key facts, definitions, and different types of coworking spaces. We could say that coworking is essentially a new and emerging movement. New collaborations, communities, and opportunities are forming. Coworking is a new way of working and sharing. Definitions may vary, but the meaning remains the same. Essentially, it is: sharing workspaces with other working individuals, creating a better place to work.

These are community centers where you have the option to rent your own desk or office. By doing so, you gain new coworkers, new ideas, and new ways to use your time.


How did it all start?

The term "coworking" in its current meaning of shared workspaces was first used by Brad Neuberg in 2005. He created the first coworking space in San Francisco, called the "San Francisco Coworking Space" at Spiral Muse. The beginnings were tough, and initially, no one had heard about it.

Growth of coworking

Now, we can call it a global phenomenon. Coworking spaces are appearing in most major cities. Coworking is a new way for people to collaborate and build communities for the future.

Why do people use coworking spaces?

For those just starting out in business or who have this idea in mind, these spaces are a perfect choice. Low costs and the ability to expand your team at any time. It's not just for those waiting at the starting line, though. Experienced companies can use them, too, looking for something new for their employees.

For independent workers, coworking spaces equate to freedom in choosing when and where they work. They also benefit from all the amenities these spaces offer, productive people around them, refreshments, and sometimes even accommodation.

Many types of coworking spaces

There are countless different types of coworking spaces. You might find yourself in historic buildings, modern rooms, or spaces designed to feel like the comfort of home. They all have one thing in common: creating a community. It's easy to grab a cup of freshly roasted coffee and take a break whenever you need.

Coworking means different things to different people, and each coworking space is unique.

We offer all this and more. Coworking with accommodation. You'll find it at Vincent. Pleasant environment, refreshments, freshly roasted coffee to energize you for your work. All the amenities of our spaces are fully available to all workers. Isn't it tempting?